Dress Code

The following Dress Code has been established for all players and all leagues of Pleasant Garden Youth Basketball Association

  1. No undershirts of any kind.
  2. Compression shorts may not extend below shorts.
  3. Socks to be either black or white (not black and white) and must match. No other color will be permitted on socks.
  4. Knee pads and braces are allowed but must be either black or white and must not extend below socks. If worn by teammates they must be same color and match. No undergarment shall extend below shorts.
  5. Ankle braces must match and be the same color as socks.
  6. Shorts cannot extend below top of socks.
  7. Arm and leg sleeves are not allowed. Sleeves with knee pads are not allowed.
  8. All braces and any other equipment not noted above will be per NCHSAA or the National Federation specifications or approved by PGYBA.
  9. Jewelry of any kind will not be allowed. Hair pins, hard plastic hair clasps or hair beads will not be allowed.
  10. Head bands if worn must be either black or white and if worn by teammates must match.
  11. It is recommended that all shorts be black.

Thank you all for your cooperation!

Draft Dates/Times Are Set

Attention all Coaches, the PGYBA Drafts are scheduled to be held at the following dates/times:
Monday November 28:
Junior girls @ 6:30
Peewee boys @ 7:30

Tuesday November 29:
Junior boys @ 6:30
Senior boys @ 7:30

Each draft will be held at PGUMC.

We still need more coaches for the Mites (6 to 8 year old co-ed teams). Please let us know if you know of anyone that will be willing to coach the Mites.

Limited Extra Signup Date Announced

PGYBA leagues still need more players in some of the  leagues.

For Boys – Junior and Senior leagues we need additional players.  These are for boys aged 12 years old through Senior High.

For Girls we need all girls aged 9 years and over.

A special signup session for these leagues only will be held on Wednesday, October 26 from 6:00pm until 8:00pm at the Pleasant Garden Elementary School gym.

All postions for the Mites and Pee Wee Boys are already filled so we are unable to take more applications for those leagues at this time.

However, we do need volunteers to coach some of the Mites.



Announcing Sign Up Dates for 2022 – 2023 Season!

Hello all young Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is getting colder outside and it is time to dust off the sneakers and start Basketball again. Finally!

The PGYBA has announced three sign-up date for the upcoming season.

MONDAY – October 10  6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

SUNDAY – October 16   2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

TUESDAY – October 18  6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Leagues are open to all girls and boys age 6 through Senior High that live in the Southeast Guilford School district and/or are members of our sponsoring churches.

All players must be 6 years old and under 19 years old on October 16, 2022.

At least one parent (along with their players) needs to attend one of the signups at the Pleasant Garden Elementary School.

Registration fee is $40 per player.


We hope to see you all at the sign ups.

Thanks, PGYBA

December League Update

The league has learned from Guilford County Schools that it will be at least January 8, 2022 before recreational leagues will be allowed to use the gym.  So unfortunately, we are still in a holding period.  At this time we are unsure if league play will be availble this season.  Once school starts back in January, we hope to learn more about possible options.

When we get more information we will provide updates.  Thanks for your patience and Merry Christmas to all.

2021-2022 Season – Still Undetermined Status

Hello to all basketball players, families, and fans of the PGYBA.

We are all looking for an update on the status of the new 2021-2022 season.  Unfortunately, we still have no decision on if or when we may have the start of signups or games.

The league has been in contact with the school system and we are hoping to get an update after the first week of November.  Until then just hold tight and stay safe and healthy.


2020-2021 Season – Undetermined Status

At this time we are unsure when or if we will have leagues for the 2020-2021 PGYBA basketball season. We are waiting for more information from Guilford County Schools so that we will be able to make some decisions. It is possible that we may have an altered season but at this time we are unsure when the season or signups would begin.
As we get more information from the county we will post updates. Thank you for your patience and we hope each of you and your families stay safe during these difficult times.

2020 Tournament

Saturday, February 15
Here is a partial schedule for the start of the 2020 PGYBA tournament at Southeast Guilford High School

Junior Girls
PG Baptist vs. Bethlehem @ 11:00
PG Methodist vs. Tabernacle @ 12:00

Peewee Boys
Bethlehem vs. New Covenant @ 1:00
Alamance vs. Fire Department @ 2:00

Nuggets vs. ROCKETS @ 3:00  (small correction here)
Owls vs. Celtics @4:00

Additional details will be available once the league gets updated information from the school.
